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Serving the Bergen County, NJ area

Telehealth –

Online Psychiatry

Telehealth therapy has revolutionized his practice by enabling the provision of online psychiatry and psychotherapy in a remote setting. For patients located outside of Bergen County, NJ, or those who prefer the convenience of accessing care from home or while traveling, Dr. Brown’s telehealth options offer flexibility and continuous support. This ensures that high-quality mental health care is just a click away.

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The demand for telehealth services (telemedicine) has grown significantly in recent times. In response, Dr. Brown has introduced a private, fully HIPAA-compliant platform for your next telehealth session, allowing him to continue providing all services during and after the COVID-19.

How does telehealth work?

To start your online therapy sessions with Dr. Brown, simply fill out the contact form below or call the office to schedule an appointment. Make sure to indicate that you are interested in “Telehealth” by checking the appropriate box. You will receive a phone call from Dr. Brown who will obtain more information. If mutually agreed, an appointment will be scheduled. For telehealth, a link will be texted to you which will give access to your telehealth session at the scheduled time.

What platform is used for telehealth?

Dr. Brown utilizes the industry-leading platform for telehealth sessions. Designed with patient privacy as a top priority, is renowned for its security and has become a leader in virtual medical appointments. It is fully HIPAA compliant and compatible with Android, iOS, MacOS, and PC platforms. There is no need to download any standalone applications. Once your appointment is confirmed, simply click the link you receive, and the platform will launch automatically.

How should I prepare for a telehealth session with Dr. Brown?

To ensure your telehealth session with Dr. Brown is as effective as possible, start by finding a quiet room where you won’t be disturbed. If using your cellphone, activate “Do Not Disturb” mode to avoid interruptions. It’s also important to check your internet connection beforehand to ensure it’s stable and fast enough for a video call, as video requires more bandwidth than voice calls. If connectivity is a concern, consider opting for a voice call to maintain a steady session.

About Dr. Brown

Dr. Brown is an expert in the treatment and therapy of depression, anxiety, stress, and many other emotional disorders. He is a psychotherapist, with extensive experience in cognitive behavioral and insight-oriented therapy and is a psychopharmacologist, with expertise in the use of medications for emotional and behavioral conditions.

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Get In Touch

Please fill in the contact form below or call 201-247-2339 to request an initial consultation or appointment. Dr. Brown sees all patients on an out of network basis. Your fee will be discussed at the time you schedule your appointment.